速報APP / 健康塑身 / Road Warrior by Nate Miyaki

Road Warrior by Nate Miyaki



檔案大小:56.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 荷蘭文

Road Warrior by Nate Miyaki(圖1)-速報App

Business travel sabotaging your fitness? You can give up or you can get down…and do some advanced push-up variations, bodyweight isometrics, and doorframe rows.

ROAD WARRIOR utilizes efficient, circuit-style training and time-under-tension protocols to produce short, intense workouts that get results. These workouts can be done just about anywhere—a hotel room, boardroom, home or office—using commonly found objects such as walls, chairs and doorways.

Designed by fitness/nutrition author and physique competitor Nate Miyaki, this program combines creative uses of your own bodyweight with muscular overload techniques adapted from physique model training. You’ll fix computer posture, build lean muscle, and improve athletic performance, despite your busy and unpredictable schedule.

Developed by the team at GAIN Fitness, makers of the top workout apps, Road Warrior includes:

Road Warrior by Nate Miyaki(圖2)-速報App

• CUSTOM WORKOUTS: multiple FREE workouts handcrafted by fitness experts. Just use the convenient filters to refine the workouts down to your desired duration, body parts, and fitness level.

• GAIN-GUIDED EXPERIENCE*: Our award winning workout experience coaches you through each exercise, rep, and rest with HD motion images, voice commands, and form cues spoken by real personal trainers.

• PROGRESS TRACKING: Track every set, rep, weight, and rest time. It’s so simple, you may not even notice it.

*Works well with or without headphones (recommended), an armband, a phone stand (recommended), and various workout equipment and phone handling scenarios. It also integrates seamlessly with your music player of choice.

Road Warrior by Nate Miyaki(圖3)-速報App

There are no legitimate excuses for a true Road Warrior. Get this app if you ever travel, want to achieve or maintain an impressive physique, and appreciate the value of execution above all else.

Road Warrior by Nate Miyaki(圖4)-速報App
